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Donating $3,000 to Feeding Our Communities

Boxley has partnered with Feed America across our operating area in Virginia. Feeding Southwest Virginia and Blue Ridge Area Food Bank serve over 217 thousand individuals each month across 51 counties and 17 cities. In these areas, two in every 20 adults, and two in 15 children, suffer from food insecurity.

“Feeding America, has the mission of feeding the hungry through a network of partners and engagement throughout the region. Boxley employees are standing up in the fight to end hunger across our communities, and we couldn’t have found better partners.” – Sherry Foutz (Boxley Team 360 Community Outreach Leader)

In 2020, Boxley donated $3,000 to help provide 500 new food donation boxes. Looking to 2021, we will get more hands-on. This summer, employees are holding donation drives at each Boxley location with the goal of helping our regional Feeding America partners meet or exceed last year’s multimillion-dollar food distribution. Food donations will be accepted; however, monetary donations are highly encouraged due to the organization’s ability to stretch a dollar further.

In addition to the future monetary donations, Boxley is hoping to put boots on the ground in Dillwyn, Virginia, to participate in the Mobile Food Pantries. The panty started ten years ago to increase rural access to nutritious fresh food and healthy staples. Our communities need funds and volunteers to ensure our communities’ residents have access to healthy foods so we can grow and prosper coming out of the COVID pandemic. For that reason, and many others, Boxley is here to help.

Stay tuned for our collection drives and help us help Feed America.

Assisting Neighbors Affected by Storm

Boxley and other neighbors were there to assist when 25 families became stranded due to a strong and persistent storm in June 2020. In the beginning, Charles Craddock, Vice President of Boxley Asphalt, and his crew forged a temporary logging bridge with supplies donated from Nichols Logging. Providing residents of ‘The Highlands’ time to look for a more permanent solution to install before the inevitable winter season began. Continue reading “Assisting Neighbors Affected by Storm”

96 Years of Pledges

Since 1924 Boxley has partnered with and donated to United Way, which works to strengthen education, financial stability, and health in our communities. Boxley holds an annual giving campaign to encourage our employees to make any donation they can and then matches all donations received. With a total of $117,416 in 2021 pledges, Boxley ounce again achieved its goal of increasing donations year over year. Continue reading “96 Years of Pledges”

Boxley’s STEM Initiatives Support SOL’s 

In 2015, MGA Entertainment proclaimed November 8th as National STEM day to encourage and inspire students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Boxley is a strong supporter of STEM education through its partnership with the Virginia Museum of Natural History and its own Explore the Earth program. Both programs focus on educating elementary school students about Earth Science, geology, and the importance of aggregate (crushed stone) on daily life, and the worthwhile careers that come from pursuing these fields.

When the STEM acronym got introduced in 2001, Boxley’s ‘Explore the Earth’ program had already been in motion for a decade. Meeting grade 5’s Standards of Learning (SOL), students participate in an engaging presentation discussing mining, mining safety, why mining and aggregate are essential, the production process, and controlled blasting. The presentation sets the stage for a quarry tour, where students overlook the quarry and witness it during regular operating hours.

“It’s great to be a part of the education process; most people don’t realize everything we would lose without mining. Metals, glass, plastics, carpet, vinyl siding, bricks, block, concrete, paved roads, the list goes on.” – Josh Wilson (Director of Product Support)

We believe that school tours are a valuable part of “the Boxley way” and play a key role in enhancing future generations’ knowledge and interest. If you are a teacher or homeschool facilitator and would like to have your elementary school-age students come for a tour, please contact us at

Build Your Future at Boxley 

Who said you must have a college degree and work in an office to have a great career? Let’s face it, being a desk jockey isn’t the ideal job for everyone, being cooped up in an office can feel more like a prison sentence than a great job. No matter the reason, you’re looking to construction for your career move. If you love big trucks and heavy machinery, being outside, or are following in the family’s footsteps, you’ll find camaraderie with your coworkers on our team. Continue reading “Build Your Future at Boxley “