Happy National Miners Day! At Boxley, we are celebrating our miners’ dedication to our strong safety culture by adhering to our motto; Safety is Set in Stone. Boxley employees abide by Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) guidelines, as well as guidance from the Virginia Transportation Construction Alliance (VTCA) and Virginia Department of Mines Minerals & Energy (DMME) to safely produce the aggregate required to sustain the communities we serve. Our goal is that safety is second nature for all employees.
That’s why we are particularly proud that four of our miners from the Blue Ridge Quarry received safety awards from VTCA/DMME this past year for ‘No Lost Time.’
Employees pictured (left to right):
Jeff Clark- 15 years
Barry Meador- 40 years
Andy Vassar- 25 year
Kevin Carter- 15 years
In 2009 the Miners Day Memorial Association of West Virginia successfully established December 6th as National Miners Day. Honoring and bringing awareness to the dangerous work that over 300,000 men and women do at surface and underground mines across the United States.
Please join us in thanking all the miners across the country as well as encouraging the safe job performances that bring them home.