Boxley employees from multiple locations around Roanoke, Virginia spent their United Way Day of Caring with CHIP, Child Health Investment Partnership, of Roanoke Valley. CHIP believes that every child should have access to comprehensive healthcare services and community resources.
Our volunteers enjoyed bringing new life to the landscaping at CHIP’s location by weeding, mulching, and planting to create a welcoming entranceway for families who find themselves in need of CHIP’s services.
Boxley is a significant supporter of United Way. Since 2000, Boxley employees, with matching funds from the company, have donated nearly $1.7 million to United Way. This year, Team 360, our employee-led corporate responsibility team, chose to supplement the company’s financial support with volunteer support, encouraging employees to participate with United Way’s Day of Caring in each community Boxley serves.
The Roanoke volunteer project is one of many Day of Caring projects made possible through the Boxley 360 Corporate Responsibility program.